Thursday 30 June 2011

Setting sail in search of a missing banner

The crew of the 'Dawn Treader' are all at sea following the mysterious disappearance of their promotional banner.
Land lubbers are suspected, as the two metre long advertisement was taken at the dead of night from its mooring outside St Bart’s church in Wilmslow town centre.
Bearing the legend “Narnia event – Sat & Sun; 2-4.30”, the sign was intended to steer families to the fun packed programme taking place this coming weekend.
Organised by St Bart's, the Narnia weekend follows on from similar highly successful events held in previous years.
The church will be transformed into the land of CS Lewis' fables and young visitors will encounter a series of tasks and challenges, from preparing sweet treats for Aslan's table to visiting the Magician – to finally win the ultimate reward - a 'golden' sword from Narnia.
Tickets, at only £1.50 each, are selling extremely quickly, so email now to reserve yours.
In the meantime, a reward of a 'golden' sword from Narnia is offered for the safe return of the banner.

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